President Message

Message of Founder: -

My message to the whole of business community is to mobilize all available resources at your command should be injected in business enterprises, industrial units, so as to achieve economic growth. As a Founder President I advice all segment of society to play its effective role in the economic development of our country. It is a fact that our country does have the potential to be brought at far with other developed countries. However we need unity, cooperation and a spirit of accommodation. Chambers are non-political organization. If the business communities are united, it can fight its better for the wellbeing of the society in general and the business community In particular. Our policy is that slow and steady wins the race. The Mardan chamber of commerce was my vision and it has been given a practical shape by my colleagues and the members of the staff who are post graduates in respective subjects such as economic states, law, computer sciences. I am proud of the fact that our secretariat staff is delivering the goods and the chamber is progressing by leap and bound. The days are not far away when Mardan chamber will have a prominent place in the eyes of business community. Over a period of 27 years, it has achieved remarkable progress. I am also thankful to the Provincial Government of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa who has generously contributed towards construction of own building comprising of five floors on a piece of valuable land at a prominent place.

President Message: -

Every patriotic citizen of Pakistan is aware of the fact that our country is faced with multifarious problems and these are to be addressed by the government in power with the support of all segment of society but the role of business community is the most important. We know that we face a number of challenges such as load shedding of electricity and gas shortage of fuel, inflation, unemployment, flood, terrorism, national calamities, budgetary deficit, internal and external indebtedness, dependence on IMP and other banks such as World Bank. It is also known to everybody that our tax system needs reform as the contribution of the nation is negligible. We need unity irrespective of our affiliation with different political parties. The role of the chamber is to coordinate between the various business communities and to fight untidily on all fronts to bring prosperity in the country.


Our vision is

  • To promote trade commerce and industry of the region in particular and of the whole nation in general
  • To mobilize all available resources at our command and inject the same in the business enterprises, industrial units so as to achieve economic growth.


  • To serve the business community in the best possible professional manner.
  • To help R&D Department increasing thereby the number of tax payers.
  • To link business community with the regulatory bodies and to protect the interest of business community all the levels concerned.
  • To have long term ties with fair, honest and devoted stakeholders.
  • To strive for sound business environment.
  • To endeavor for uplift and wellbeing of the community.
